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Eduardo Anitua

Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Estomatología

Director del Instituto Eduardo Anitua, Instituto de investigación básica y aplicada y Centro clínico y de formación en Implantología oral y Terapia regenerativa. Director científico de BTI (Biotechnology Institute).

Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad de Salamanca en el año 1979; Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía.

Especialista en Estomatología por la Universidad del País Vasco, continuando sus estudios en estancias en los Estados Unidos (Filadelfia, Nueva York, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago) y en Europa (Italia, Alemania, Francia, y por supuesto, España).

Ha impartido conferencias en diversas Universidades Españolas e Internacionales, Post-grado de implantes de las universidades de Sevilla, Murcia, Barcelona y Madrid.

Ha dictado más de 500 cursos y conferencias en congresos (en Europa, E.E.U.U., Sudamérica, Asia) sobre Implantes, Prótesis, Estética Dental y Regeneración tisular.

Director del programa de “Formación Continuada en Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral” que se imparte en España, México,Portugal, Italia y Alemania desde hace 22 años.

Profesor invitado de la facultad de odontología de la Universidad de: Guatemala, Intercontinental de México, Javeriana de Colombia, República de Argentina, Uruguay, Portugal (Facultad de Oporto y Lisboa), Pensilvania, Harvard, Boston y Tufts.

Director de Dental Dialogue.


Artículos publicados

Chronic skin ulceration is a serious pathological condition for which the adjuvant use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been indicated. However, evidence for the use of PRP in patients with chronic skin ulcers remains insufficient due to a large heterogeneity in experimental designs, PRP composition, and preparation protocols.

Macrophages are innate immune cells that display remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity and functional plasticity. Due to their involvement in the pathogenesis of several human conditions, macrophages are considered to be an attractive therapeutic target. In line with this, platelet derivatives have been successfully applied in many medical fields and as active participants in innate immunity, cooperation between platelets and macrophages is essential. In this context, the aim of this review is to compile the current evidence regarding the effects of platelet derivatives on the phenotype and functions of macrophages to identify the advantages and shortcomings for feasible future clinical applications.

There is a lack of consensus on managing resultant bone and soft tissue defects or on restoring oral function and aesthetics following medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) lesion healing. This clinical challenge presents a dilemma for practitioners. Removable prostheses pose a recurrence risk if poorly fitted and may inadequately restore function or aesthetics in cases of significant bone defect. Dental implant-supported prostheses could enhance function and quality of life, though their risks and indications are not well-defined. This systematic review examines the clinical outcomes and complications associated with implant-supported rehabilitations post-MRONJ surgery. This study was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement recommendations and it was pre-registered in the Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (CRD42023492539).

The osteogenic differentiation process, by which bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and osteoprogenitors transform into osteoblasts, is regulated by several growth factors, cytokines, and hormones. Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is a blood-derived preparation consisting of a plethora of bioactive molecules, also susceptible to containing epigenetic factors such as ncRNAs and EVs, that stimulates tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the PRGF clot formulation on osteogenic differentiation. Firstly, osteoblast cells were isolated and characterised. The proliferation of bone cells cultured onto PRGF clots or treated with PRGF supernatant was determined.

The aim of this study was to produce and characterize triple-layered cell sheet constructs with varying cell compositions combined or not with the fibrin membrane scaffold obtained by the technology of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (mPRGF).

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