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Ander Pino

Ander Pino

Doctor en Biotecnología

Investigador en el Laboratorio I+D de medicina regenerativa.

Investigador en el Laboratorio I+D de medicina regenerativa.

Doctor en Biotecnología

Doctorado en investigación y evaluación de medicamentos. (UPV-EHU)

CUM LAUDE y Mención a Premio Extraordinario: terapias autólogas en dermatología regenerativa.

Master: Investigación social de la comunicación científica. (Valencian Internacional University)

Licenciatura Biotecnología (Universidad de León)

Bachelo´r degree in Biotechnology (The University of Vermont).

Responsable del área de formación en medicina regenerativa.

Docente del Master Terapia regenerativa bucofacial y rehabilitación implantológica oral.

Artículos publicados

Chronic skin ulceration is a serious pathological condition for which the adjuvant use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been indicated. However, evidence for the use of PRP in patients with chronic skin ulcers remains insufficient due to a large heterogeneity in experimental designs, PRP composition, and preparation protocols.

Accidental events or surgical procedures usually lead to tissue injury. Fibrin sealants have proven to optimize the healing process but have some drawbacks due to their allogeneic nature. Autologous fibrin sealants present several advantages. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of a new autologous fibrin sealant based on Endoret®PRGF® technology (E-sealant). One of the most widely used commercial fibrin sealants (Tisseel®) was included as comparative Control.

Skin injury and wound healing is an inevitable event during lifetime. However, several complications may hamper the regeneration of the cutaneous tissue and lead to a chronic profile that prolongs patient recovery. Platelet-rich plasma is rising as an effective and safe alternative to the management of wounds

Over the last three decades, there has been special interest in developing drugs that mimic the characteristics of natural tears for use it in the treatment of several ocular surface disorders. Interestingly, the composition of blood plasma is very similar to tears. Therefore, different blood-derived products like autologous serum (AS) and plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) have been developed for the treatment of diverse ocular pathologies.