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Ander Pino

Ander Pino

PhD in Biotecnologie

Ricercatore nel Laboratorio di Ricerca e Sviluppo di Medicina Rigenerativa

Ricercatore nel Laboratorio di Ricerca e Sviluppo di Medicina Rigenerativa

Dottorato di ricerca in Biotecnologie

Dottorato di ricerca in Ricerca e valutazione dei farmaci. (UPV-EHU)

CUM LAUDE e Menzione Premio Straordinario: le terapie autologhe in dermatologia rigenerativa

Master: Ricerca sociale della comunicazione scientifica. (Università Internazionale di Valencia)

Laurea in Biotecnologie (Università di León)

Laurea in Biotecnologie (Università del Vermont)

Responsabile dell’area di formazione in medicina rigenerativa.

Docente del Master Terapia rigenerativa orofacciale e riabilitazione di implantologia orale

Articoli pubblicati

Skin injury and wound healing is an inevitable event during lifetime. However, several complications may hamper the regeneration of the cutaneous tissue and lead to a chronic profile that prolongs patient recovery. Platelet-rich plasma is rising as an effective and safe alternative to the management of wounds

Over the last three decades, there has been special interest in developing drugs that mimic the characteristics of natural tears for use it in the treatment of several ocular surface disorders. Interestingly, the composition of blood plasma is very similar to tears. Therefore, different blood-derived products like autologous serum (AS) and plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) have been developed for the treatment of diverse ocular pathologies.

There is increasing evidence regarding the wound healing potential of platelet-derived autologous by-products. We provide preliminary data regarding the use of a new plasma rich in growth factors-derived autologous topical ointment for the management of hard-to-heal wounds

Cutaneous autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are a major burden of global disease and many lack effective treatments that can derive in different dermatoses like atopic dermatitis. Despite the increase prevalence and the high health-care costs worldwide, the heterogeniety and multifactoriality of these diseases mean that effective treatment options are scarce.