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Sabino Padilla

Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía

Experto en en Medicina de la Educación Física y el Deporte

1990: Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Departamento de Fisiología. Facultad de Medicina y Odontología, Universidad del País Vasco

1986: Tesina de Licenciatura “Exploración del metabolismo aeróbico y anaeróbico en el corredor a pie”. Calificación: “Sobresaliente”

1986: Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (D.E.A.) en “Biología del Ejercicio Muscular” Opción “Entrenamiento-Rendimiento”. Universidades Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne y Claude Bernard, Lyon I, Francia.

1984: Certificat d’Etudes Spéciales (C.E.S.) en “Biología y Medicina del Deporte”. Universidad Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, Francia.

1982: Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía. Universidad de Valladolid.

Artículos publicados

The application of the counter-torque technique has been proposed as a conservative and atraumatic alternative for the explantation of nonmobile dental implants. The objective of this report is to assess the performance of this technique in a large number of patients.

Evolution, from invertebrates to mammals, has yielded and shaped immunoclotting as a defense and repair response against trauma and infection. This mosaic of immediate and local wound-sealing and pathogen-killing mechanisms results in survival, restoration of homeostasis, and tissue repair.

Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) is a leukocyte-free platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that is an effective biological approach to tissue repair and has been demonstrated to significantly improve multiple conditions, including low back pain and degenerative disc pathology

Achilles tendon ruptures are very common tendon ruptures and their incidence is increasing in modern society, resulting in work incapacity and months off sport, which generate a need for accelerated and successful therapeutic repair strategy. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is emerging as adjuvant human blood-derived constructs to assist Achilles tendon rupture treatment

One of the main differences among platelet-rich plasma (PRP) products is the inclusion of leukocytes that may affect the biological efficacy of these autologous preparations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the addition of leukocytes modified the morphological, biomechanical and biological properties of PRP under normal and inflammatory conditions.

Vídeos disponibles en BTI Channel

Además de esta pequeña muestra en BTI Channel podrás ampliar tus conocimientos en implantología oral, medicina regenerativa y apnea del sueño.

Sabino Padilla
Protocolo de aplicación del PRGF® en patologías del aparato locomotor
Sabino Padilla
Fundamentos biológicos de Endoret® (PRGF®)