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Artículos de Salud Tag

  • Autor:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Ronald M Sánchez-Ávila
  • Carlos A Robayo-Esper
  • Eva Villota-Deleu
  • Álvaro Fernández-Vega Sanz
  • Álvaro Fernández-Vega González
  • Borja de la Sen-Corcuera
  • Jesús Merayo-Lloves

The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors) as an adjuvant to PPV (pars plana vitrectomy) in recurrent, persistent, or poor prognosis MH (macular hole). Patients with MH were treated with PPV plus adjuvant therapy (PRGF membrane (mPRGF) and injectable liquid PRGF (iPRGF)).

Skin injury and wound healing is an inevitable event during lifetime. However, several complications may hamper the regeneration of the cutaneous tissue and lead to a chronic profile that prolongs patient recovery. Platelet-rich plasma is rising as an effective and safe alternative to the management of wounds

  • Autor:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Gorka Orive
  • Miriam Idoipe
  • Borja de la Sen-Corcuera
  • Ronald M Sánchez-Ávila
  • Carmen Sánchez-Pérez
  • María Satué
  • Antonio Sánchez-Pérez
  • Francisco Muruzabal
  • Luis Pablo

This prospective and comparative study aimed to compare the use of a conjunctival autograft (CAG), plasma rich in growth factors fibrin membrane (mPRGF) or amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) in primary pterygium surgery.

Fibrin, as a physiological scaffold, presents many advantages compared to synthetic materials, such as controllable degradation, non-toxic byproducts, and excellent biocompatibility. The use of stem cells along with the biomimicking scaffolds and signalling factors would complete the triad of the tissue engineering approach

Evolution, from invertebrates to mammals, has yielded and shaped immunoclotting as a defense and repair response against trauma and infection. This mosaic of immediate and local wound-sealing and pathogen-killing mechanisms results in survival, restoration of homeostasis, and tissue repair.

Mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) is a heterogeneous group of chronic autoimmune subepithelial blistering diseases. Oral involvement is present in almost all patients, may represent the onset of the disease, and causes different degrees of pain, dysphagia, soreness, and bleeding. Treatment is based on systemic and/or oral corticoids, or other immunosuppressants. Occasionally, oral lesions can show a poor response to standard treatments.

Over the last three decades, there has been special interest in developing drugs that mimic the characteristics of natural tears for use it in the treatment of several ocular surface disorders. Interestingly, the composition of blood plasma is very similar to tears. Therefore, different blood-derived products like autologous serum (AS) and plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) have been developed for the treatment of diverse ocular pathologies.

The application of the counter-torque technique has been proposed as a conservative and atraumatic alternative for the explantation of nonmobile dental implants. The objective of this report is to assess the performance of this technique in a large number of patients.