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Articles de Salud Tag

  • Auteur:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Carlos Flores
  • Sofía Fernández-de-Retana
  • Beatriz Anitua
  • Mohammad H Alkhraisat

Narrow dental implants are commonly used to restore narrow alveolar ridges. Although the good performance of narrow dental implants supporting multiple prostheses has been repeatedly demonstrated, there are few studies analyzing their performance in a long-term follow-up together with the influence of the loading protocol. Thus, the objective was to assess the influence of implant loading protocol (immediate vs delayed) on the long-term outcomes of 3.0-mm-diameter dental implants supporting fixed multiple prostheses.

  • Auteur:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Naiara Larrazabal Saez de Ibarra
  • Iñigo Morales Martín
  • Luis Saracho Rotaeche

Dent J (Basel). 2022 May 6;10(5):77. The application of the counter-torque technique has been proposed as a conservative and atraumatic alternative for the explantation of nonmobile dental implants. The objective of this report is to assess the performance of this technique in a large number of patients.

  • Auteur:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Antonio Ríos
  • Homid Fahandezh-Saddi Díaz
  • Manuel Villanueva Martinez
  • Roberto Prado
  • Sabino Padilla

The application of the counter-torque technique has been proposed as a conservative and atraumatic alternative for the explantation of nonmobile dental implants. The objective of this report is to assess the performance of this technique in a large number of patients.

Narrow dental implants are commonly used to restore narrow alveolar ridges. Although the good performance of narrow dental implants supporting multiple prostheses has been repeatedly demonstrated, there are few studies analyzing their performance in a long-term follow-up together with the influence of the loading protocol. Thus, the objective was to assess the influence of implant loading protocol (immediate vs delayed) on the long-term outcomes of 3.0-mm-diameter dental implants supporting fixed multiple prostheses.

Int J Pharm. 2022 Apr 5:617:121631. The increasing prevalence of tissue injuries is fueling the development of autologous biological treatments for regenerative medicine. Here, we investigated the potential of three different bioinks based on the combination of gelatin and alginate (GA), enriched in either hydroxyapatite (GAHA) or hydroxyapatite and PRGF (GAHAP), as a favorable microenvironment for human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs)

Narrow dental implants are commonly used to restore narrow alveolar ridges. Although the good performance of narrow dental implants supporting multiple prostheses has been repeatedly demonstrated, there are few studies analyzing their performance in a long-term follow-up together with the influence of the loading protocol. Thus, the objective was to assess the influence of implant loading protocol (immediate vs delayed) on the long-term outcomes of 3.0-mm-diameter dental implants supporting fixed multiple prostheses.

Clin Nutr. 2022 Mar;41(3):755-777. The role of prophylactic vitamin D supplementation in prevention and treatment of respiratory infections and other related pathologies has been extensively explored with conflicting results. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of vitamin D administration on respiratory infections.

Nowadays, implant dentistry has social, economic, and clinical values. It is one of the economic motors of society. The reliability and high success rate of implant-based oral rehabilitation are fascinating, making this option predictable and safe.[1] However, dealing with an implant failure is frustrating for both clinicians and patients. For this reason, moving implant dentistry from a one-way direction to treatment reversibility would improve the management of failure cases with minimally invasive measures.

  • Auteur:
  • Eduardo Anitua
  • Mar Zalduendo
  • María Troya
  • Roberto Tierno

Scaffolds should have controllable degradation rate and allow cells to produce their own extracellular matrix. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a source of autologous growth factors and proteins embedded in a 3D fibrin scaffold. There is no consensus regarding the obtaining conditions and composition of PRPs.